Below is a list of recommended readings. They have all found their way into my library one way or another. Most of these books are downright classics. A hallmark trait of a good book is that you can keep going back to it for new information or as a reference. These books are just that!

One thing you will notice is that my list will have very little overlap with other lists. I have personally read these books and I didn’t just compile a list of trading books from Google so that I can slap some affliate links on them.

Long Term Investing

This list is not long but, the quality of content is money, quite literally. The books are in order of both easiest reads to my favorite. If I had to just choose one book I would say One Up On Wall Street is my go to.

One Up On Wall Street By Peter Lynch

Peter Lynch was one of the most successful hedge fund managers of all time. He repeatedly found multi-baggers that propelled Magellan Fund to the top year in and year out. One Up On Wall Street teaches the simple investor (the layman) how to beat Wall Street. No, its not just a gimmicky name. This book will teach you how to seek out the next Tesla before Wall Street even has a chance.

Million Dollar Portfolio By The Motley Fool

Million Dollar Portfolio is a classic. When I moved to another country, I ended up donating my hard copy to a local thrift store. I hope some lucky kid comes along and finds it, the book is life changing. This book covers everthing from portfolio construction. It breaks down and categorizes different types of stocks, their characteristics, how to identify them and where they fit in a great portfolio. An absolute must if you are wanting to get started with long term investing.

The Intelligent Investor By Benjamin Graham

Its no secret that Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors of our lifetime. Why not learn from his mentor, Benjamin Graham? I’m not gonna lie, this book is very difficult read. It can put you to sleep if you are not careful but, this is one that you will keep coming back to based solely on the knowledge that it provides. I prefer the revised version with footnotes. This helps provide more context and makes the text easier to follow. Value investing is something I still do today in my portfolios.

Options Investing

Option Investing can be difficult, instead of following those guys on YouTube doing triple backflip reverse buttefly strangles, I suggest you check out this list. Again, the content here is not plentiful but, the books are top quality. I think these two books compliment each other very well. Get Rich with Options covers the basics and gives profitable strategies to get started immediately. The Options Edge picks up where Get Rich with Options leaves off teaching you option theory and the complexities along with mathematics behind options.

Get Rich with Options: Four Winning Strategies Straight from the Exchange Floor By Lee Lowell

Lee Lowell was able to take a scary and complex investing vehicle and make it easy to understand. Get Rich with Options takes the, “keep it simple stupid” approach to investing with options. Providing real strategies and real concepts to readers. The book says it comes with 4 strategies but, there is a bonus strategy provided.

The Options Edge: An Intuitive Approach to Generating Consistent Profits for the Novice to the Experienced Practitioner  By Michael C. Khouw and Mark W. Guthner

Wow, even the name is a mouthful. This book is down right complex but, the information in it is plentiful. The science behind how option strategies work is laid out beautiful from graphs to examples. I use this book for a reference and find myself going back to it every now and then.

Technical Analysis

Ok, this list is long but, it is a compliation of my favorite authors in the business. I am going to try to orders in a super scientific way from basic, easiest to read, most complete to the next one that can help chain ideas and theories without going too far off the rails. Like I said, sciencetific!

Getting Started in Technical Analysis By Jack Schwager

Getting Started in Technical might as well be recognized as the gold standard of technical analysis. I don’t think Jack provides one particular strategy in the book but, I believe that is by design. Instead, the book layers patterns and indicators presented in theroy with practical examples. The creative juices will flow and you will be itching to flip pages. At the end, I believe in the appendix, there is a whole section on strategy building so you can learn to develop your own strategies.

Trading the Measured Move: A Path to Trading Success in a World of Algos and High Frequency Trading By David Halsey

Halsey, has a gift for making market concepts easy to learn. The measured move strategies presented in this book are not complete without his take on reading inversely correlated markets. So, while the concept is simple and the fibonacci modifications take only a few minutes to set on your platform don’t go taking trades until you have read to end. Trading the Measured Move gives you a practical way of looking at and exploring markets. The book focuses on high frequency trading and some aspects of macro economics along with risk management. While I do not apply it like the book intends, the 50% pullback has changed my trading forever. You will frequently see a variation of it within my trading.

The Art and Science of Technical Analysis: Market Structure, Price Action, and Trading Strategies By Adam Grimes

Adam, Adam, Adam…. Where do I begin? The book is a complete guide from reading market structures to creating trading strategies. The Art and Science of Technical Analysis provides readers with a wealth of knowledge that is at times contrarian but, in a healthly skepticism type of way. Adam provides thorough research from the claims that he makes. So this book will not only challenge the norms of technical analysis but, it will do so while providing you with the skills you need to become a successful trader. Did I mention that the book also has a workbook that corresponds to the teachings? While this book can take you from beginner to trader all by itself, I listed the other two first so readers can dodge the complextities and contrarian viewpoints while building a strong foundation.

Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies By Linda Bradford Raschke

Street Smarts provides readers with a bunch of short term trading strategies that are powerful and applicable immediately. Linda’s Anti strategy is something you will see in my trading as well as in, The Art and Science of Technical Analysis. Adam uses a modified MACD to replace the stochcastics that was used by Linda. I have also written finance applications that use some of the strategies in Street Smarts.

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